This year you are required to do four independent blogs at home for your outside reading grade. You have received all due dates in class. Please make sure blogs are submitted by midnight the day before the due date!
Your last blog is due Thursday, May 27th. Please respond to any blog prompt; including one that you have already completed! You must submit your entry no later than 11:00 p.m.
Abomible Snowman
ReplyDeleteEvan Cowan
20 Pages read
Evan Cowan
ReplyDeleteAbominable Snowman
If I was a character in the Abominable Snowman I would be Carlos. Carlos in this story starts off as a explorer who is trying to find the Yeti known as the Abominable Snowman but his helicopter crashes. If I was Carlos knowing I'm on the same mountain as a Abominable Snowman I would try to look at tracks and keep my distance from him. I then would get some bark of tree would and craft a knife to kill animals to cook and eat by making a fire by scraping rocks together and making a spark. I would try to to see if I could use the helicopter that crashed for shelter. I would try and see what I can find in the helicopter and use it for survival. When I go to sleep I will always pray to God to ask him for help to survive and not be dead by the time the people who are looking for me find me. If I could I would climb a tree and find a high point and see if I could see some smoke or a house so I know there is a town up ahead. And last I would write a letter telling my family the everything will be alright If I don't make it out of these mountains with the abominable snowman. Well I hope I impressed you with my story on my survival thoughts and who I want to be In the book.
The Fault in Our Stars
ReplyDeleteJohn Green
154 pages read
Prompt #7
Blog #1
Ryann Gove
Exam about The Fault In Our Stars
10 true / false questions:
T/F : The name of the main female character is Hazel Grace Lancaster.
T/F : Hazel is diagnosed with skin cancer.
T/F : Hazel and Gus do not go on a date.
T/F : Hazel has to carry around an oxygen tank.
T/F : Hazel has two brothers.
T/F : Gus lost his right leg due to cancer.
T/F : Gus and Hazel give each other books.
T/F : Isaac is very optimistic about his cancer.
T/F : Hazel was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 13.
T/F : Hazel and Gus meet at a cafe.
Multiple Choice Questions:
1. What is Hazel’s moms name?
2. What cancer does Isaac have?
3. Where do Hazel and Gus share their first kiss?
a.Bus stop
c.Anne Frank’s House
d.The beach
4. Where do Hazel and Gus travel to?
c.Washington D.C.
5. Who wrote this novel?
a.Frederick Douglas
b.Anne Frank
c.Adam Levine
d.John Green
6. What does Hazel call her oxygen tank?
7. What is Gus’s fear in the novel?
8. What is the name of Hazel’s favorite book?
a.Cat in the Hat
b.An Imperial Affliction
c.Catcher in the Rye
9. What did hazel choose her Make-A-Wish foundation wish to be?
a.To go to Disneyland
b.To go to the zoo
c.To meet her favorite celebrity
d.To get a pet dog
10. What childhood toy makes Hazel feel sad?
a.Swing set
d.Teddy Bear
Short Answers:
Where do Hazel and Gus live?
How old is Hazel Grace?
What does Hazel call herself
What kind of cancer does Hazel have?
What do Gus and Isaac do to get back at Isaac's ex-girlfriend?
Essay Question:
Write one quote from the novel that means something to you and why.
Answer Key:
T/F Questions:
Multiple Choice Answers:
Short Answers:
1. Indianapolis
2. 16 years old
3. A bomb
4. Stage 4 thyroid cancer
5. Egg her car
Essay Question Answer:
“ The marks people make in the world are too often scars “
I like this quote because there are too many people who leave this world doing bad things that will always impact someone else, and that leaves a huge scar in those people who are still alive.
Ryann gove
Language arts
Blog #2 The Kind of Friends We Used to Be.
1.coco: I feel like coco would be a perfect movie for kate to see because she loves music and is not afraid to show her love of it with others. Her friend Marilyn and her family does not think playing guitar is very amusing just like Miguel did in coco. I feel like if Kate saw this movie she would definitely relate to it. Coco is also about following your dreams even if people say you can't.
2.Hannah Montana: i feel like Marilyn would love the the show Hannah Montana. Marilyn would like this show because she loves singing, fashion, friendship and all things girly. Hannah Montana loves to be silly funny and a little serious sometimes and that's how Marilyn lives her life. I strongly believe that if Hannah Montana was real that Marilyn would be best friends with her.
Wonder: wonder is a movie i think they would both like to watch together. This movie is about a little boy named Auggie who has Treacher Collins syndrome and always says how he is different from other kids and has very few friends. Both Marilyn and Kate would love this movie because it is meaningful and they can relate to it. They can both relate to it because they both have trouble making friends, but have one friend that they know will always be there for the just like jack-will was always there for Auggie.